What if we are a sum of all the other people whom we share our time here together with? Where in this brief moment of life, we walked the earth, breathe the same air, share the beautiful sight of the rising sun and bask in the dazzling array of stars that blanket our shared night sky.
If you are in agreement with my rumination, we may no longer be strangers.
This is a story of a man who saw a brother in a stranger.
Hanwei, upon reading a Facebook posting about a man who needed an urgent liver transplant, stepped forward to offer himself as a potential donor. And once it was established that he is a fit, the doctors went ahead with the surgery the very next day. The man in need of help, was in such a dire and urgent condition.
Inspired by his younger brother who had also donated his kidney to a stranger, he asked if he could have done the same. The decision to him was an easier one for his mother was able to accept it as his brother was a donor before. His mother has raised two kind boys who knew how to love, and to love unconditionally.
Post surgery, he was nonchalant about his contribution. In his own words, he has not done much apart from stepping forward and to be lulled to sleep; the heroes were the doctors and medical staff. All he did was to give a part of him and he saw how a dying man on his deathbed was miraculously given a second life.
I will leave you to watch the Hanwei speak of the experience himself in the attached YouTube video
May we all find the strength to love unconditionally, for we are the sum of others
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